I would definitely call myself a nostalgic person. I enjoy reminiscing about the past – especially my childhood. I love finding treasures from when I was growing up, whether they be from a flea market, toy show, or my own basement. I’m a 90s kid, and the 90s had some great toys, many of which aren’t sold anymore. Fortunately, I’ve kept most of my beloved 90s toys, but it’s always fun to discover other novelties from my childhood that I might not have had the pleasure of owning or have forgotten about. Thanks to Crate Joy, I’ve found a subscription service that sends me a package of nostalgia every month. Crate Joy is an online market place where you can find subscription services for any lifestyle or interest. While browsing Crate Joy, I discovered Nostalgia Crate.
nos.tal.gia (noun)
a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. (Wikipedia)
About Nostalgia Crate
Every month, Nostalgia Crate, a mystery subscription service, delivers to your door various toys, games, books, comics, and trading cards ranging from the 1990s to 2008. If you don’t want the generic crate, Nostalgia Crate offers Trading Card Crates, which are filled with an assortment of Trading Card Packs (unopened), and Trading Card Sleeves with 5 cards apiece.
When I first discovered Nostalgia Crate, I subscribed to their $20 Nostalgia Crate. In my crates, I would receive so many nostalgic goodies including a few Trading Card Packs, and Trading Card Sleeves. Unfortunately, I was subscribed to the Nostalgia Crate for less than a year. Although I really enjoyed getting the Nostalgia Crate, I decided to switch over to the $10 Trading Card Crate to save a little bit of money.
Trading Card Crate Subscription Plans
Nostalgia Crate works on a point system, which is determined by how much your subscription costs. The Trading Card Crate has 2 subscriptions: $5 and $10. The $5 crate is worth 50 points, and the $10 crate is worth 100 points. Each category is worth a number of points: Trading Card Packs are worth 10 points, and Trading Card Sleeves are worth 5 points.
In the past, I was able to use my points to choose the quantity I wanted of Trading Card Packs, and Trading Card Sleeves per month. However, starting in June 2018, Nostalgia Crate is removing the customization form, due to a surplus of loose trading cards, and low stock of Trading Card Packs. From now on, Nostalgia Crate will be giving a predetermined number of Trading Card Packs, and Trading Card Sleeves. The $5 Crate will be comprised of 2 Trading Card Packs, and 6 Trading Card Sleeves, while the $10 Crate will have 5 Trading Card Packs, and 10 Trading Card Sleeves.
Customize Your Crate
When I first signed up for Nostalgia Crate, I filled out a form that asked me what my favorite franchises were. From what I can remember, I told them Disney, Harry Potter, Looney Tunes, Trolls, PBS, Hanna-Barbera, TY, Super Mario Bros., Anastasia and more! For the record, Nostalgia Crate has been really good about including most of the franchises I like in my crates. Most importantly, Nostalgia Crate has helped me build my trading card collection.

Trading Card Crate May 2018
In Trading Card Crate May 2018, I was still able to select the number of Trading Card Packs, and Trading Card Sleeves I wanted based on the original point system. This was my order:
- 2 Disney Collector Packs
- 2 Disney Pocahontas Packs
- 2 Anastasia Packs
- 2 Hanna-Barbera Packs
- 2 Harry Potter Sleeves
- 2 Disney Snow White Sleeves
TOTAL: 8 Trading Card Packs & 4 Trading Card Sleeves

Impel Disney Collector Trading Cards (1991)
15 Collector Cards Per Pack
I was very surprised to receive these trading card packs because I didn’t know this collection existed. What I love most about this set is you get 15 cards (which is more than your standard pack of trading cards), and the art on them are from vintage Mickey cartoons, which look amazing. Even though I got 2 packs (30 cards total), almost half were duplicates, which is a bummer. In any case, I would love to collect more of these cards in the future. They are too cool to look at!

Skybox Disney’s Pocahontas Trading Cards (1995)
8 Cards & 1 Pop Out Card Per Pack
Surprisingly, the Pocahontas trading cards have been my favorite set to collect. I’ve received Pocahontas trading card packs in almost every Nostalgia Crate – since I was subscribed to the original crate. I’m so happy that Nostalgia Crate has helped me build a trading card set from scratch. I almost have the whole set – give or take 20 cards. I’ve even received a rare card in one of my packs!

Anastasia Trading Cards (1998)
5 Cards Per Pack
When I first subscribed to Nostalgia Crate, I knew they had Anastasia Trading Cards in stock. I made sure to request the franchise, since I really wanted to collect these cards. Nostalgia Crate has sent me Anastasia Trading Card packs quite often, which is fantastic. Anastasia is one of my favorite childhood movies, so my inner child has been so thrilled to finally be collecting this set.

Hannah-Barbera Classics Trading Cards (1994)
8 Cards Per Pack with a Curad for Kids Flintstones Band-Aid
Nothing is more nostalgic than classic Hannah-Barbera cartoons. For the last few Trading Card Crates, I’ve been super excited to be receiving Hannah-Barbera Classics Trading Cards! My favorite cards to collect from this set are Scooby-Doo!, The Flintstones, and Tom & Jerry. What’s really unique about the Trading Card Packs is each one comes with a kid’s size Band-Aid. Haha! Since, the Band-Aids are technically collector’s items, and 24 years old… I don’t think I’ll be using them to cover up my paper cuts.

Skybox Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Trading Cards (1993)
2 Trading Card Sleeves (5 cards each)
I absolutely love receiving Disney trading cards of any kind. Unfortunately, I already have the complete set of Snow White Trading Cards. Even though I already have this set, I was disappointed to find that Trading Card Sleeve #2 had the same 4 (out of 5) cards as Trading Card Sleeve #1. What a bummer!

Harry Potter Trading Card Game (2001)
2 Trading Card Sleeves (5 cards each)
Of course, Harry Potter was another franchise I had to request, since I’m a huge Potterhead. Nostalgia Crate has delivered since crate #1 with cards from the Harry Potter Trading Card Game. The illustrations for the game are based on the novels, which is really cool! The Harry Potter Trading Card game can be compared to the Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering card games. When I was a kid, I bought a Booster Pack of the game. Since I never bought the starter pack (not that I’m aware of), I don’t mind collecting more cards for the game.

Overall Review
There’s so many things that I love about Nostalgia Crate’s Trading Card Crate:
- It’s super affordable – only $5-$10 per month.
- I get trading cards from my favorite franchises.
- Occasionally, I’m introduced to “new” trading card sets that I didn’t know existed.
- I get Trading Card Packs from the 1990s that are in mint condition.
- Nostalgia Crate has helped me build trading card collections from scratch.
Nostalgia Crate’s Trading Card Crate is really worth getting if you are a trading card collector or want to start your own trading card collection. I look forward to receiving it every month. Back in the 1990s, I didn’t collect trading cards, so it’s awesome that Nostalgia Crate has helped me build a collection and revisit my childhood. Of course, I know trading card collecting isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. So, if you still want a dose of Nostalgia, make sure to check out Nostalgia Crate’s other awesome crates! For more information about Nostalgia Crate, visit their website. Nostalgia Crate is a great company and I support them 100%. You totally should check them out!
I hope you enjoyed my nostalgic-filled post, and will check out Nostalgia Crate! What were your favorite toys, books, and games growing up? Let me know in the comments! 🙂
Thanks for reading! See you in my next blog post!
♥ Candis
DISCLAIMER: This post is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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July 1, 2018 at 1:15 amIt is inspiration thanks for sharing.
June 15, 2018 at 10:41 amWow, I didn’t even know they made trading cards for all those! It sounds pretty amazing, especially as gifts; I know a bunch of people who would love to receive a box.
Candis Barbosa
June 17, 2018 at 10:16 pmYes! There really is a trading card series for EVERYTHING! It’s definitely a fun gift for anyone who’s a toy or 90s memorabilia collector. Thanks for reading! 🙂
Tiffany Downing
June 15, 2018 at 7:55 amThis is so fun! Totally brings back memories…I’d make my mom drive around town looking for trading cards 🙂 lol!
Candis Barbosa
June 17, 2018 at 10:19 pmThanks! Glad it made you feel nostalgic! I didn’t collect trading cards a lot as a kid, but for some reason I’ve been really into it as an adult. Haha! I guess it’s the nostalgia! 🙂
Tracy Whiteside
June 8, 2018 at 9:01 amAwesome!
June 5, 2018 at 3:50 pmI totally know some friends who will love to receive this! Thanks for the heads up!
Candis Barbosa
June 6, 2018 at 4:05 pmThat’s great to hear! Feel free to share this post! 😉
June 2, 2018 at 7:30 amO.o I had no idea about this crate!!!! And the subscription service is cool! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this!
Candis Barbosa
June 2, 2018 at 5:27 pmHappy to show you Nostalgia Crate! They’re a small company and should be recognized. I love support small businesses! Thanks for reading! 😀
June 1, 2018 at 7:24 amOoh, I love a fun subscription service, I should check this out!
Candis Barbosa
June 2, 2018 at 5:21 pmI love subscription services! Nostalgia Crates are fun to get. Definitely worth checking out! Maybe someday I’ll do a favorite Nostalgia Crate Items post!