Hello fellow nerds! This month I received my first crate from Lootcrate’s Level Up. A few years ago, I had the regular crate subscription from Lootcrate for a good 6 months. It was getting expensive, so I had to cancel it. It was a sad day. I swore I would never re-subscribe, but they reeled me in when I found out that Lootcrate’s Level Up was giving out Kingdom Hearts socks this month.
Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Lootcrate, it’s a monthly subscription service that sends you a box filled with geeky goodies. Every month’s box is curated around a specific theme. Originally, when I was first subscribed to them, they had just one type of subscription, but now they have many different ones. The Level Up crate is made up of geek clothing and accessories. It has four apparel subscriptions to choose from. I chose Loot Socks, which includes two pairs of socks every month for $9.99 (shipping + handling included). April’s theme is QUEST and features everyone’s favorite video games: Kingdom Hearts and The Legend of Zelda. As a Kingdom Hearts fan, I was really intrigued to see the sock design for this month.

I don’t know about you guys, but I love getting packages in the mail – even if it is just socks. One thing I love about subscription boxes is when they include a booklet or card showing the featured items for the month. Lootcrate did a great job on their booklet design. When you unfold the booklet, it becomes a map showing the different lands featured this month. I geeked out when I spotted Traverse Town on the map (Kingdom Hearts reference). Very cool!
On top of that, I loved the sock designs for Kingdom Hearts and The Legend of Zelda. I don’t have any Kingdom Heart socks, so I was thrilled about the Kingdom Hearts pattern which was made up of classic symbols from the game. To be honest, I was slightly disappointed that the socks did not feature the game’s iconic characters, such as Sora, Donald, and Goofy, but no matter I am still excited to try on these comfy crew length socks. I’m definitely a bigger Kingdom Hearts fan than of Zelda, but the pixellated Link design (from the Legend of Zelda) was a really neat throwback.

Overall, I’m pleased with the quality and design of the socks I received. May’s theme is POWER and will be featuring the popular franchises Masters of the Universe and Super Mario in Level Up’s Loot Socks. As a Super Mario fan, I will not pass up the opportunity to get Mario themed socks. Stay tuned for my “unbagging” next month!
To find out more about Level Up and Lootcrate’s other subscriptions visit lootcrate.com!
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