DISCLAIMER: This post is not sponsored. However, I received an advanced reader copy (eBook) of Ghost Friends Forever #1 through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Although, the hardcover copy shown in this review was purchased by me.
SPOILERS: This graphic novel review contains spoilers. If you have not read this graphic novel yet, I highly recommend you do not read this review, so you do not spoil your reading experience. However, please feel free to check out my other blog posts!

Sophia Campos is only just getting used to her new life with her divorced dad and managing their business of helping ghosts, when she meets a ghost girl who changes everything. Not because she’s a ghost – but because of what it brings out in Sophia.
Soon her brother, her best friend, her old crush Jake, and her parents are all entangled together on solving the case of the dead girl. Because she’s not just any average ghost girl. She also holds a piece of the puzzle to something Sophia cares about very much – what was the paranormal event that caused her parents to split up in the first place?
Ghost Friends Forever #1 – Goodreads Summary
Ghost Friends Forever #1
The graphic novel, Ghost Friends Forever #1 (GFFs) has a unique storyline, cute characters, and an eye-catching illustration style. In the past, I’ve found paranormal stories very captivating. Especially stories where a “Ghost Whisper” has to help a spirit crossover. Therefore, I thought I’d enjoy this graphic novel. GFFs is the first graphic novel that I’ve read by Monica Gallagher, or by Charmz. The first volume of Ghost Friends Forever is titled, “My Heart Lies in the 90s.”
The Storyline & Plot
Overall, the storyline and plot has some good elements to it. I’ve read stories about Ghost Whispers before. However, a family who owns a paranormal services business is a unique concept. When fifteen year-old Sophia Campos goes out on her own to solve a paranormal mystery, she meets Whitney, a teenage ghost who has haunted a bridge since her death in 1996.
By going on this journey, Sophia not only learns secrets about the family business, and the reason why her parents divorced, but she discovers a lot about herself. Especially, when she develops romantic feelings for Whitney, while she’s trying to help her crossover. In general, the story revolves around many different types of relationships: family, platonic, and romantic. It’s likely many readers can relate to the challenges the characters face in each type of relationship.
On the other hand, many elements from the story fell short for me. I typically enjoy reading kid’s comics and graphic novels. However, Ghost Friends Forever #1 didn’t have enough character and plot development for it to become a long standing favorite of mine. The characters are very cute, but they do not have much depth to them. Unfortunately, I did not feel a connection to any of the characters nor did I feel the romantic connection between Sophia and Whitney.
The Characters
In a nut shell, Sophia tries to prove to her parents that she can be a real Paranormal Investigator. All the while trying to mend her relationship with her brother Felix. In addition, Sophia tries to understand her relationship with Whitney – who’s not only a Ghost, but the first girl she’s ever had a crush on.
Meanwhile, Whitney wants to find out who murdered her back in 1996. Since their parents divorced, Felix is angry all of the time – especially at Sophia. Jake, Sophia’s ex-boyfriend, wants to mend the siblings’ relationship, and get back together with Sophia. In short, the characters have a one-track mind.
Length & Pacing of Story
GFFs #1 is short in length and can be read in one sitting. Although I appreciate a fast read, I think adding more pages, and content could have benefited the story to improve character development, and to help build stronger relationships amongst the characters.
Middle Grade Audience
Even though this graphic novel is appropriate for all ages, it’s best suited for a Middle Grade audience. GFFs discusses topics such as, divorce, family, friendship, young love, and finding yourself. Those are all topics Middle Graders will likely find relatable.

Kata Kane’s illustration style is quite darling. The illustrations remind me a lot of manga, which is a style I’m personally a fan of. I can see this illustration style appealing to a younger audience, but I enjoy it just the same. The colors are very vibrant, and give off a 90s vibe. The color scheme changes from scene to scene as the mood changes, and the story progresses. Visually, the color scheme helps support the storytelling.
My Heart Lies in the 90s
Volume 1 of GFFs is titled, “My Heart Lies in the 90s”. As a 90s kid, I was looking forward to seeing how the 1990s fit into the storyline. Unfortunately, the only sign of the 90s was during Whitney’s flashbacks, where the characters wore 90s fashion. Honestly, if Whitney wouldn’t have mentioned that she died over 20 years ago in 1996, I don’t think I would have been able to tell otherwise. Especially, since 90s fashion is trendy nowadays. I hope future volumes of GFFs will dive deeper into Whitney’s past and her life in the 1990s.
Family Dynamics
It’s really important that the story touched on Sophia’s family dynamic. Naturally, the divorce of their parents greatly affected Sophia, and Felix. By their family being divided, their relationship as siblings has been negatively impacted. While working together to solve Whitney’s murder, the siblings start to mend their broken relationship.
Sophia & Whitney’s Relationship
Upon meeting Whitney, Sophia feels a special connection with her. Their connection is very sweet, but at the same time the progression of their relationship is extremely rushed. After only knowing each other a few days, the pair professes their love for one another. It’s very insta-love, which did not feel realistic, or genuine. It is hard to imagine such a connection, when there isn’t a lot of heartfelt dialogue between the girls. I think adding a few more scenes of Sophia and Whitney getting to know each other would have helped establish the special bond they have.
Sophia’s Self-discovery
When Sophia meets Whitney, she instantly feels both an emotional and physical connection with her. Sophia questions her feelings for Whitney because not only is she a ghost, but she’s a girl. Sophia has never had a crush on a girl before, and was recently in a relationship with her brother’s friend, Jake. The more time Sophia spends with Whitney, the more her feelings develop for her.
When Sophia discovers that she’s bisexual, her journey to self-discovery was brushed over. Technically, Sophia doesn’t even acknowledge that she could be bisexual. Sophia discovering her bisexuality should have played a bigger part in the story. Which in turn would have built more character development for Sophia. As a heterosexual female, I have no clue what’s it’s like to come out, but I can imagine that it’s a self-discovered journey that takes time to process.
When Sophia’s brother Felix catches her and Whitney kissing, he gets mad at Sophia for falling for a ghost rather than questioning her sudden attraction to Whitney – who is a girl. In addition, when Sophia blurts to her parents that she loves Whitney, they don’t question her “coming out” either. Technically, Sophia doesn’t even come out as bisexual – it’s only inferred. In any case, Sophia is quite lucky to have such an accepting family. To deepen Sophia’s confusion, she kisses Jake when he visits her house to talk about her family, and Whitney’s murder.
I wish the reader would get more insight into Sophia’s mind as she discovers this new part of herself. All in all, I’m glad GFFs features a LGBTQ+ relationship.
Whitney’s Murderer
Finding out who murdered Whitney was the most surprising part of the story. Felix’s teacher, Linda (aka Linny) was a teenager when she murdered Whitney by pushing her off a bridge. Linda was an overlooked character throughout the story. Although, by process of elimination it makes sense. It’s a little unclear if Whitney’s murder was an accident, but Linda had a motive. Whitney was friends with Linda’s boyfriend, and she was afraid of her stealing her man. Apparently, Linda was clueless that Whitney was a lesbian.

Overview & Rating
Overall, Ghost Friends Forever #1 was a cute story, but…not the story for me. As a more advanced reader, character and plot development is very important to me. Unfortunately, this story lacked both. I liked the concept of the Campos family owning a paranormal services business. As well as, Sophia falling in love with a ghost while solving her first paranormal mystery. It’s a unique plot!
The story revolves around the theme of all sorts of relationships: family, platonic, and romantic. That’s an excellent foundation for a story, but I personally did not feel connected to any of characters or their relationships. Sophia, and Whitney should have had a connection that made me feel all warm and fuzzy – that made me want to root for them. However, their relationship was way too insta-love, which didn’t feel realistic, or genuine.
It’s amazing how many authors nowadays are writing stories about LQBTQ+ relationships including Monica Gallagher. I love the LGBTQ+ representation in Ghost Friends Forever #1, but Sophia’s journey of self-discovery was missing for me. I wanted to know more thoroughly how Sophia felt when she discovered that she may be bisexual. As well as gain an insight to Sophia’s romantic feelings for Whitney – the first girl (and ghost) she’s ever had a crush on.
Fortunately, Volume 1 of Ghost Friends Forever had a pretty decent conclusion. Most importantly, Sophia, Felix, and Jake unmasked Whitney’s murderer. In addition, Sophia and her brother learned why their parents divorced, which in turn helped mend their broken relationship.
Volume 1 leaves us with a cliffhanger. When Linda tries to banish Whitney’s soul, she opens a supernatural vortex. To close the vortex, Whitney enters it leaving Sophia wondering if she’ll ever see her again. A week later, Sophia finds a note from Whitney, which gives her hope that this isn’t the end for them…

I gave Ghost Friends Forever: My Heart Lies in the 90s… 3 out of 5 stars. GFFs was a pleasant read, but the graphic novel did not leave a lasting impression on me. Therefore, I’m not planning on continuing the series. Even though GFFs wasn’t my cup of tea, I think a Middle Grade audience might better appreciate its youthful tone. Although, I truly believe this is a story I would have picked up as a kid.
You can get a copy of Ghost Friends Forever #1 on Amazon. More ghostly adventures await in the second volume, Ghost Friends Forever #2. You can also order it on Amazon.
If you’ve read Ghost Friends Forever #1, what did you think of it? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Also, if you read Ghost Friends Forever #2, is it worth reading? If you’d like to see what other books I’m reading these days, follow me on Goodreads!
I hope to see you in my next blog post (and future graphic novel reviews)!
♥ Candis
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joyce lukemeyer
January 31, 2019 at 12:49 pmCan’t wait to read it! Thanks!
Candis Barbosa
January 31, 2019 at 3:19 pmThanks for reading!❤️
January 18, 2019 at 7:29 amThis wouldn’t be something for my children yet, but maybe in the future.
Candis Barbosa
January 18, 2019 at 6:26 pmI totally respect that. Thanks for reading!😊
Susan Franklin
January 12, 2019 at 8:35 amHonest review – I like that. As you said, probably a good read for those in middle school.
Candis Barbosa
January 13, 2019 at 9:19 amThank you, got to keep it real. Thanks for reading!😀
January 11, 2019 at 6:58 pmI love graphic novels I will have to read this one next!
Candis Barbosa
January 13, 2019 at 9:17 amSame here, they are so much fun to read. If you get a chance to check GFFs out, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading!🤓
Elizabeth at tiredmomsupermom
January 10, 2019 at 7:40 amGreat review! This looks like a good book to to read for those in middle school or so. Thanks for sharing
Candis Barbosa
January 10, 2019 at 7:52 pmThank you! I totally agree. Thanks for reading!😊
Bizarre Brunette
January 7, 2019 at 6:54 pmThis looks like a really cute graphic novel
Candis Barbosa
January 8, 2019 at 6:33 pmIt definitely is! It’s very cute and fluffy. Nothing too serious.